Benefits That Attract FBT

James Murphy Tax

We are a charity registered with ACNC and income tax-exempt. Would you advise which of the following benefits would attract FBT?

Gym membershipCommunity service day off or well-being day offEmployer funded paid parental/maternity leave
Flu vaccinationsRostered days offHigher super contribution by employer
Paid health cover or contribution to health coverCar parkingConcessional leave
Christmas lunch in a restaurant.  

I believe seeking the above advice is a free service included in the annual membership subscription.


As you are a registered charity, you may be eligible for the FBT rebate up to $30,000 of the taxable benefit of fringe benefits supplied to each employee.

This will be apparent from employee salary packages as in these situations, it is normal for employees to take full advantage of these concessions.

Please refer to our comments below regarding your questions.

Gym membership  YES
Community service day off or well-being day off  NO
Flu vaccinations  NO
Rostered days off  NO
Higher super contribution by employer  NO
Paid health cover or contribution to health cover  YES
Car parking  NO
Concessional leave  NO
Christmas lunch in a restaurant  NO- if under $300 per employee (minor and infrequent benefits)