CG Distribution

James Murphy Tax


My query relates to Capital Gains distribution in a family trust.

Have 3 beneficiaries who are presently entitled and could receive a distribution of CG in the 20/21 year.

A – earns $3000 in the year.

B – earns $50,000.

C – is a foreign resident for tax purposes (no earnings here).

Could you please show what would be the likely tax payable on $30,000 CG distribution made to each beneficiary?


Firstly, we assume the $30k distribution has taken into account the CGT individual 50% discount.

Also, that we are dealing with adults.

A – will pay very little tax but take $2,392 as a guide – if a senior Australian this figure could be less.

B – will pay $10,350 on the distribution (at the 32.5% marginal rate plus 2% Medicare).

C – will pay  $9,750 tax at a non-resident flat rate of  rate of 32.5%.